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General Fund
Daniel Kafle
Scholarship Endowment

Nepal SEEDS needs donations to:

The General Fund to cover education, health, water, and environment programs.

Donations to the General Fund support the full range of Nepal SEEDS programs including teachers’ salaries, school supplies, school infrastructure upgrades, clean water delivery systems, biogas, composting toilets, salaries for medical practitioners, medicines, and much more.

The Daniel Kafle Scholarship Endowment Fund to provide scholarships to promising young students.

In 2008, we celebrated the 10th anniversary of Nepal SEEDS with the launch of the Nepal SEEDS Scholarship Endowment Fund which was later renamed the Daniel Kafle Scholarship Endowment Fund in memory of KP’s oldest son who lost his life in a tragic accident.  Daniel believed in the importance of education, and taught at their local church school.  The Endowment is a permanent source of funds where the earnings provide scholarships to support children, especially girls, for who higher education is beyond their financial means but not their aspirations.

Did you know you can help reduce your taxes with your gift to Nepal SEEDS?

Consider donating appreciated stocks, bonds or mutual funds rather than cash.

If you’ve owned the securities for more than a year, you may be able to claim a tax deduction for the market value of the securities, instead of the cost basis of the securities. By gifting rather than selling, you may be able to avoid capital gains tax.

If you are 70.5 years of age or older, you may make a Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCD) from the Minimum Distribution (RMD) required from your IRA each year.

Even if you don’t itemize your tax deductions, instructing the custodian of your IRA to contribute all or part of your RMD directly to Nepal SEEDS will reduce your taxable income.

Please consider a Legacy Gift—help Nepal SEEDS thrive beyond our lifetimes.

Here are two simple ways you can support Nepal SEEDS grass-roots partnerships with the people of Nepal well into the future.

Bequests—Include Nepal SEEDS to receive a bequest from your will or trust.

Beneficiary Designations—Name Nepal SEEDS as a beneficiary on your IRA, annuity, or life insurance policy.

Large or small, every legacy gift makes a big difference

We encourage you to discuss these options with your financial advisor or attorney.

All contributions are welcome. On-going monthly donations are particularly appreciated.

You can also mail your donation using the printed form below to:

800 Kansas Street, San Francisco, CA 94107

Download the printable donation form to contribute today.

Contributions are Tax Deductible:

Nepal SEEDS is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Our tax ID number is #91-1838689